Marsden's Airbrushed Designs

Custom Airbrushed Artwork for T-shirts, Automobiles, Jackets, Helmets, & More!!!

Airbrush Art Gallery
Product Catalog Order Form
Personalized License Plates
Personalized T-Shirts
Ordering Information
Show Schedule
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Custom Painted License Plates

Marsden's Airbrushed Designs has been in business since 1983 offering professional custom airbrush artwork and textile designs to businesses and consumers. 

These items include artwork on T-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets and license plates of cars, trucks, animals, etc. We also do artwork on vehicles as well as signs for businesses and hobby items such as R/C cars & slot cars.

Browse our online catalog for specific items you can get personalized with your own designs, check the gallery for examples of past work we did, and view our show schedule.

Online Ordering is available for our personalized t-shirts.  Order your own custom names with that special someone or a name / initial t-shirt for yourself.  More styles and kid sizes added.  Take a look!

Automobiles custom airbrushed on T-shirts, Canvas, etc.  We also do trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles!!!

Personal & Specialty Designs

Marsden's Airbrushed Designs
23 Boulder Lake Dr
Wernersville, PA 19565

Phone:  484-797-0163

Marsden's Airbrushed Designs Stand at Venues

The Wacky & Weird


Our show schedule for 2024


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